Service Schedule: Sundays 9am & 11am Wednesday 7:30pm

Holy Week: Day 3

Day Three: The Calm Before the Storm

BIBLE PASSAGE: Mark 14:27-28

The Gospels don't mention anything about Wednesday, except Luke as he explains that Jesus would teach every day at the Temple. Regardless, it seems as if this was the calmest day of such a chaotic week. In the middle of an uneventful Wednesday, Jesus still knew what was coming. The rest of the city continued to prepare and enjoy the traditional feast, while Jesus continued to process internally. His internal struggle grew knowing that He was only a few days away from being taken to the cross.

The Bible reader is only left to assume that Jesus would constantly think about the sacrifice since He would constantly mention it to His disciples. The internal struggle was silent, but evident, this Wednesday was the agonizing calm before the storm. The disciples thought that this lifestyle would continue forever and that they would always have the Master by their side. Their reaction to Jesus’ warning of difficult times was always met with resistance, affirming Him that they would stand by His side and defend Him. The reality was that in a few days, they would all scatter and leave the Master alone.

Jesus’ internal struggle is only revealed while He is in Gethsemane, but being 100% human and 100% God, He also processed his fear throughout his last week. To Jesus, Wednesday meant He was only two days away from the most painful moment of his earthly life.

Jesus endured and carried the weight of the cross not only on Friday but on the days leading up to His sacrifice. Such a moment demanded His mind, emotions, and all of His being. Today, as we confront difficulties in our lives, we must remember that He understands us, He’s been there before. He has felt fear, pain, and betrayal all in one week. Yet, He went and He conquered so that we can conquer.

Just as He reminded His disciples, today He reminds you that He will be with you all the days of your life, even to the end of the world. He is with you today and will be no matter the trial.
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1 Comment

Rosemary - April 5th, 2023 at 2:30pm

Thank you so much Lord for what you have done, do and will continue to do…i serve You to glorify You.