Service Schedule: Sundays 9am & 11am Wednesday 7:30pm

Holy Week: Day 4

Day Four: The Last Hangout

BIBLE PASSAGE: Matthew 26:17-30

On this Thursday evening, Jesus gave his disciples specific instructions regarding where they would have their Passover meal. For the disciples, this was another festive dinner, but for Jesus, this was the last time they would eat together. Today, we know this as The Last Supper or Communion. There is no doubt that years later the disciples reflected and wished they would have appreciated this dinner a lot more.

As the 12 disciples sat at the table Jesus used the bread and cup to symbolically explain His sacrifice. The bread represented His body and the wine His blood. Jesus said, “For this is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and his people. It is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many.” (Matthew 26:28). This dinner foreshadowed what was to happen the next day (Friday). As the bread was broken for the disciples to share and eat, so would His body, and as the wine was shed over the cups, so would His blood on the cross. Jesus instructed His disciples to do this in remembrance of Him (Luke 22:19). So what is the purpose of knowing and remembering this? Why should we commemorate this dinner? The answer is found in today’s application.

Communion is so significant that it involves our past, present, and future.

Past - Communion reminds us of God’s love as we remember the price that Jesus paid for the forgiveness of our sins more than 2,000 years ago.

Present - Communion teaches us that Jesus’ sacrifice gives us full access to the presence of God today. It also creates a great opportunity to ask for forgiveness to God, or any individual whom we might have something against. All with the purpose of taking communion in right standing. (1 Corinthians 11:17-34).

Future - Communion reminds us that one day we will participate of communion with Jesus himself in heaven. For He said, “Mark my words—I will not drink wine again until the day I drink it new with you in my Father’s Kingdom.” (Matthew 26:29).

*Here at RTLA Church, we do this every first Sunday of the month.
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