Service Schedule: Sundays 9am & 11am Wednesday 7:30pm

Holy Week: Day 5

Day Five: Good Friday/Bad Friday

BIBLE PASSAGE: Matthew 27:32-38

This Friday, changed absolutely everything. On this day, Jesus was sentenced to death through crucifixion. He was whipped 39 times, mocked, and forced to carry a wooden cross before all of His community to the place where He was nailed to the cross.

As Jesus looked up from the cross, he said, “it is finished” (John 19:30), in that moment He gave up His spirit completing the purpose of His time here on earth. While his crucifixion was painful and horrific to see, Jesus had one mission: to bring salvation to humanity.

By definition, we are all sinners. We have broken the law of God many times and in many ways, nobody is exempt. If we were to stand before God and try to justify our entrance to heaven, we would fail miserably. But, as we accept His sacrifice, Jesus now stands between us and God. He justifies us and gives us free entrance into heaven. His sacrifice paid the price and penalty that a just God demanded from those who had broken His law. All we have to do is accept it by recognizing Jesus as our Lord and savior. Yes, it’s that simple. The reason for its simplicity is explained by the immense love He has for us.

The cross created a bridge over an abyss that separated God and humanity. Not only do we gain eternal life with God, but we also gain meaning and genuine purpose as we develop a relationship with Him.

All this through a torturous and painful death. While the process was bad, the result was good. What seemed like a bad Friday, was actually a really good Friday for us.

Today, we have full access to the presence of God. We can go into His house and worship freely. We can come near God through prayer and the reading of His word and be sure that He is listening and is attentive to our voice. We can also live in peace knowing that an eternity full of joy and peace awaits us after we die. Life has new meaning, as we are blessed by the one who gave His life so that we can obtain ours.
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