Service Schedule: Sundays 9am & 11am Wednesday 7:30pm

Holy Week: Day 7

Day Seven: It’s Not Over

BIBLE PASSAGE: Matthew 28:1-10

After a silent Saturday, Sunday was finally here. After a long week, the angels rejoiced and the Father smiled as He saw the tomb empty. Jesus’ body was no longer tortured and bruised, it was now glorified. The King had resurrected, the messiah had accomplished His mission, and the path of grace to Heaven was now open for all those who believed. When everyone thought that it was over, Jesus was only getting started.

The resurrection of Jesus tells us that death no longer has a hold on us. While death is the end for those who do not believe in Jesus, for believers, it is a transition from life to greater life. Jesus conquered death, and as joint heirs, we also conquered death with Him. This detail also puts Him above any other religious leader or martyr. While all other tombs contain bones (including those of famous religious leaders), the tomb of Jesus is empty. The Bible teaches us that in this very instance, He is sitting at the right hand of the Father (Hebrews 1:3).

As the disciples, encountered a new Jesus, they were astonished. This only confirmed the deity of the man they had followed for three years. Scripture states that for 40 days after His resurrection, Jesus appeared to them to teach and prepare them to build and expand the church after His ascension. After a life-changing week, their journey in the kingdom was only beginning.

Today we celebrate His resurrection as it is a symbol and reminder of the freedom and victory we have as believers. Our worship does not go to statues or empty tombs, but to a God who is active and alive. Because He lives, we live.

As believers, we have the responsibility to communicate this message and continue building the Church. After we die, we will be resurrected when the day of the Lord comes. Thanks to Jesus it is not over, we are only getting started.
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